Gen Z’s Favorite Ads: Are You In?

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Welcome to Katalys Connect – your weekly shortcut to the latest in performance marketing.

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What’s in this issue? Each Tuesday, we pack the latest trends, actionable insights, and industry breakthroughs into a quick read – ensuring you’re not just keeping up, you’re staying ahead.

  • Monetization: Dive into the growing tensions over data usage as publishers block Apple’s AI bot, explore Google’s ad tech dominance and the crucial role third-party cookies still play in online advertising and tracking.
  • Growth: Learn how brands are navigating the balance between control and authenticity in influencer marketing, adapting to AI-driven search advertising, and facing the challenges of transparency and costs in the expanding retail media landscape.
  • The Future of Commerce: Discover how humor-driven ads, TikTok’s live shopping, and holiday competition with Amazon are reshaping consumer engagement.

AI Scraping Pushback • Major publishers and platforms are blocking Apple’s AI bot, spotlighting a growing battle over data usage and intellectual property rights.

  • Prominent sites like Facebook, Instagram, and The New York Times are blocking Apple’s AI bot, raising concerns about data use and copyright in AI development.

  • Less than 10% of major websites have blocked Applebot-Extended so far, suggesting many publishers are still undecided or unaware of the implications for their content rights.

Behind the Curtain • Court documents reveal Google’s ad tech revenue, offering a rare glimpse into the financial power driving its online advertising empire.

  • Google’s disclosed “take rate” on ad tech products is 15%, lower than The Trade Desk’s 20%, indicating competitive dynamics within the demand-side platform market.

  • The antitrust case could lead to a breakup of Google’s ad tech stack, potentially allowing Google to compete more aggressively without regulatory constraints, significantly impacting the programmatic ad market.

Cookies: Friend or Foe? • Despite their decline, third-party cookies still play a crucial role in online tracking and ad targeting, providing solutions that first-party data alone can’t offer.

  • First-party cookies can’t track users across different websites, making it challenging for companies with multiple domains to connect user data without a common identifier like an email or login.

  • While alternatives like browser fingerprinting and unique site registrations exist, third-party cookies remain a valuable tool for linking user activity across different domains.

Brand vs. Creator • Brands are balancing control with authenticity in influencer marketing, finding the right mix between creator freedom and brand alignment for social success.

  • Influencer marketing is projected to reach $24 billion by 2024, pushing brands to rethink how they collaborate with creators to balance authentic content and brand control.

  • Choosing between creator-led and brand-led production can determine a campaign’s success, with creator-led approaches offering organic integration and brand-led ensuring consistency.

Pay to Play • AI-assisted search is reshaping paid advertising, offering brands a chance to be the sole answer in search results—for a price.

  • Platforms like Perplexity are proposing ad models where brands pay a premium to be featured as the prioritized answer to a query, potentially starting at $50 CPM, a 25% premium over traditional Google search ads.

  • As AI integrates more deeply into search and content marketing, brands may need to rethink their strategies, focusing not only on paid media but also on how to align with AI-generated content hubs sponsored by brands.

Retail Media: A Costly Game •  Agency CEOs reveal concerns over kickbacks in retail media, questioning transparency and the growing influence of pay-to-play dynamics.

  • Retail media networks are expanding rapidly, but concerns about high costs and potential quid pro quo arrangements—where shelf space is exchanged for ad buys—are growing.

  • The lack of standardization and transparency in these networks may lead to a marketplace dominated by big brands, sidelining smaller competitors unable to afford high CPM rates.
Future of Commerce

What Makes Ads Click Humor and brevity top the list of what consumers enjoy most in ads on entertainment and social apps, driving engagement and preference.

  • 50% of consumers prefer humorous ads, with “how to” content and music also ranking high, highlighting the appeal of entertaining and engaging ad formats.

  • Gen Z shows a strong connection to creators, with 60% buying products featured in creator content, underscoring the influence of authentic and relatable advertising.

From Dances to Deals  Live shopping on TikTok is taking off, merging social engagement with real-time purchasing and transforming how users shop online.

  • TikTok Shop’s live shopping feature is captivating users with its interactive and community-driven approach, mimicking the excitement of live auctions and old-school teleshopping.

  • With businesses making millions through these streams, live shopping is becoming a major sales channel, blending entertainment with instant buying, and reshaping the future of e-commerce.

Holiday Prep: The Retail Race • Online retailers are gearing up for the 2024 holiday season, preparing for supply chain challenges, inflation, and fierce competition with Amazon.

  • Retailers expect high inflation to reduce overall consumer spending and drive more comparison shopping, with many predicting a shift toward earlier purchasing to avoid out-of-stock items.
  • To compete with Amazon, retailers are focusing on loyalty programs, personalized experiences, curated product selections, and varied free shipping offers to attract and retain customers.